Our Goals

Combat Isolation

This Collective allows creators opportunities to not only learn and showcase, but also to experiment and create their own works.

Spread the Gospel

By developing unity in the body of Christ and the local art community, the Great Commission can be fulfilled through performances, shows, exhibits, and lectures that share the Gospel in a creative and unique way.


Fostering a network where artists can share goings on and happenings with each other. A place to promote art events, works, classes, recitals, dramas, and physical theatre works. We Wish to connect believers throughout the county.


Fulfillment of one’s art can take place within true worship of Jesus, offering the artist personal renewal and repair.

Sample Works

Derived from the Greek word “isopsuchos”, meaning like-minded (Philippians 2:20), and rooted in Romans 1:12, this Collective is created to unify like-minded artists in the local community and allow a safe space for collaboration. This Collective allows artists to not only learn and perform choreography, but also to experiment and create their own works. The pieces created in the Collective will usually have spiritual themes or retell Biblical stories in an abstract way.

The first goal is to give like-minded artists a place of refreshing and encouragement (Hebrews 10:24-25). By utilizing various genres for expression and communication, this Collective hopes to bring together Christian artists regardless of background, affiliation, or age.

The second goal of this Collective is to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching out to those who do not know Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). By developing unity in the Body of Christ and the dance community, the Great Commission can be fulfilled through performances that share the Gospel in a creative and unique way.

Through the fulfillment of the first goal, the second goal will be reached. Romans 10:13-15; 2 Corinthians 2:16 and 4:2